
For expedited communication, we suggest a preliminary check of the machine before contacting customer service. (E-mail: you for your cooperation.

Feel free to skip this section if it doesn't interest you.we will explore three common issues that can occur with an ice maker: water pump malfunction, refrigeration problems, and water inflow irregularities. By following simple observation and touch-based techniques, you can conduct a preliminary self-diagnosis to identify the potential cause of the problem.

1) Water Pump Malfunction:

To check if the water pump is faulty, you can directly observe whether water is flowing down from the ice tray. If there is no water flow, it indicates a possible issue with the water pump. The water pump is responsible for pumping water into the ice maker, so a malfunction can disrupt the ice-making process.

2) Refrigeration Problems:

To determine if there are refrigeration issues, allow the ice maker to run for approximately 10 minutes. During this time, you can assess the temperature of the water in the sink. If the water noticeably becomes colder, it indicates that the refrigeration system is functioning properly. You can also touch the ice tray or running water to feel the water temperature, which should be cool to the touch.

3) Water Inflow Irregularities:

Water inflow irregularities can be identified through observation during the automatic cleaning process. During this process, you can observe if water continuously flows into the ice storage bucket from the overflow pipe of the sink. Additionally, during the ice-making process, you can gauge the amount of water by reaching into the sink with your hand. Normally, the amount of water should occupy more than half of the sink